SET Announcements
Report of the Resolutions of AGM 2006
No. MD.059/2006
April 21, 2006
Re: Report of the Resolutions of Annual General Meeting of 2006
To: President
The Stock Exchange of Thailand
Bangkok Aviation Fuel Services Public Company Limited held the Annual
General Meeting of 2006 on April 21, 2006, starting from 10:00 hrs. and
the meeting passed the following resolutions:
Agenda 1 Resolved to approve the minutes of Annual General Meeting of 2005.
Agenda 2 Resolved to approve the Report of the Board of Directors
regarding the Performance of the Company in the Year 2005 and Future
Operation Plan as proposed.
Agenda 3 Resolved to approve the financial statement for the year 2005.
Agenda 4 Resolved to approve the allocation of profits and reserve fund
as follows:
(Unit : Thousand Baht)
Dividends for the year 2005 263,499
Reserve for Investment Expansion 41,757
General Reserve 41,757
Profit Carried Forward to 2006 470,563
In addition, the interim dividends have already been paid at the rate
of Bht 0.25 per share, therefore, the dividends to be paid at this time
shall be at the rate of Bht 0.37 per share and will be paid on May 19,
2006 to the shareholders whose names appear in the share register at
12.00 hrs. of May 3, 2006
Agenda 5 Resolved to re-appoint Mr. Kobchai Srivilas, Mr. Navee
Lertphanichkul, ACM Narongsak Sangapong and Mr. Nattachak Pattamasingh Na
Ayuthaya as the directors of the Company and Flight Lieutenant Udom
Krisnampok as the independent director of the Company.
Agenda 6 Resolved to appoint Prof. Kesree Narongdej, Certified Public
Accountant Registration number 76, or Mrs. Natsarak Sarochananchin,
Certified Public Accountant Registration number 4563 of A.M.T. &
Associates to serve as the Company's external auditor for the year 2006,
either of whom may audit and make any comment on the Company's financial
statement. In addition, the shareholders approved the annual audit fee
for the year 2006 of Baht 676,000.
Agenda 7 Resolved to approve the directors's remuneration for the year
2005 in the aggregate amount of Baht 7,894,000 and the monthly remuneration
and meeting fee will be payable at the same rate as the previous year.
Agenda 8 Resolved to approve the amendment to Clause 3 of the Memorandum of
Association, regarding the Objectives of the Company, Item 8 to be:
"To guarantee or secure the debt for natural persons or juristic persons to
perform obligations under the agreement including but not limited to guarantee
such persons or juristic persons in any matter relating to the business of the
Company or the operations of the Company under Immigration Law, Taxation Law,
Customs Law, Labor Law and any other laws"
Agenda 9 Other business
- None -
Please be informed accordingly.
Respectfully yours,
(M.R. Supadis Diskul)
Managing Director