Utilities and Power Business
Fuel storage and fuel transportation through underground pipeline system and Investing or joint-investing in the projects relating to renewable energy and environment

BAFS Pipeline Transportation (BPT)
Operates the business of storage and transportation of Fuel storage and fuel transportation through underground pipeline system. that can transport many types of oil (Multi Product Pipeline)
via underground pipelines laid parallel to the railway tracks to main pumping station at Chongnonsi area, then transported by high-pressure distribution pump at Makasan Control Station in order to deliver to terminals. The terminals are consisted of aviation fuel depots at Donmuang Airport and Suvarnabhumi Airport, Including the ground products depot at Bang Pa-In, Ayuddhaya. The company has expanded the fuel pipeline transportation system from Bang Pa-In Depot. to Phichit Depot and Lumpang Depot.
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BAFS Clean Energy Clean Energy Corporation (BC)
Investing or joint-investing in the projects relating to renewable energy and environment for both domestic and international, including providing services relating to management, technical, financial management and other supporting services in connection with renewable energy and environmental business.
Currently investing in solar power plants in Thailand and Japan. and will expand investment to other types of renewable energy power plants as well as study potential overseas projects from Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam and Australia, etc.
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