Aviation Business
Bangkok Aviation Fuel Services Public Company Limited (BAFS)
Operate the business of providing a full range of aircraft refueling system services. Both the aviation fuel transmission system through the high-pressure pipe. aircraft fuel storage system and aircraft refueling system
by Don Mueang Airport The company is the sole service provider. Including services at three other regional airports and for Suvarnabhumi Airport The Company is a service provider of aviation fuel storage systems and aircraft refueling system.
Aircraft fuel delivery system through high pressure hoses
Aircraft fuel storage system
Aircraft Refueling System
Core Businesses
Core Businesses
Service Technology
Through advanced technology, service competency, and ongoing collaboration with experts in the aviation refuelling industry, BAFS has implemented a highly efficient aviation refuelling system. To maintain the highest international standards, BAFS strictly adheres to the oil companies’ guideline issued by the Joint Inspection Group (JIG) and endorsed by International Air Transport Association (IATA), “Guideline for Aviation Fuel Quality Control and Operating Procedures”.
Guideline for Aviation Fuel Quality Control and Operating Procedures
Today, BAFS provides aviation refuelling services to both Don Muang International Airport, and Suvarnabhumi Airport. Both systems are based on the underground hydrant pipeline network concept (or “Hydrant System” for short) and were the most advanced available at the time of their implementation. The Hydrant System at Suvarnabhumi Airport is notable in this regard, since it has applied all of the advances in Hydrant System technology developed since the system at Don Muang. Both Hydrant Systems are able to provide aviation refuelling services to all types of aircraft landing at either airport.
Every phase of BAFS aviation refuelling services are closely monitored by the Control Room and Flight Control Room located at each depot, and airport respectively, to ensure maximum service efficiency and safety.
5 Core Aviation Refueling Process of BAFS
1. Jet A-1 Supply Pipelines
Jet A-1 (also called aviation kerosene) is supplied to BAFS from various sources via two independent pipelines. This is to ensure that there is reliable supply of high quality Jet A-1 to both Suvarnabhumi Airport, and Don Muang Airport.
2. Aviation Fuel Depot
The purpose of aviation fuel depot is to serve as an intermediate storage facility for Jet A-1 so it can be distributed to the airport via the Hydrant System. Prior to distribution, the Jet A-1 is tested to ensure that the quality conforms to international standards. During distribution, the Jet A-1 is filtered to remove all impurities and to ensure that the product delivered to the airlines is “Clear and Bright”.
BAFS aviation fuel depot at Suvarnabhumi Airport is comprised of 5 main storage tanks (total capacity is 75 million liters), and 10 hydrant pumps (total flow rate is 4,540 cubic meters per hour). All 10 hydrant pumps are variable speed drives utilizing state of the art inverter technology to ensure that the fuel requirements of Suvarnabhumi Airport are satisfied while simultaneously reducing energy consumption.
To ensure the utmost safety, operational efficiency, and security the following facilities were installed,
a) Process Automation and Control System
The day to day operations of BAFS’ aviation fuel depot is controlled by an automated process control system called the “Distributed Control System” or DCS. The DCS is able to conveniently and quickly regulate the opening/closing of the fuel receiving/distribution valves, regulate the fuel receiving/distribution pumps, and store operating data of the various devices for future inspection should a problem arise.
b) Automatic Tank Gauging
Total Jet A-1 volume is relayed to the DCS via the automatic tank gauging system or ATG. The system measures the product level in each of the main storage tanks, which is later converted into a volume figure. It is also able to provide readings for density, and temperature in addition to level measurement.
c) Fire Fighting Facilities
The main depot as a vast array of fire fighting facilities; they range from water cannons, and tank cooling rings, to sub-surface foam injection and bund pourers. These facilities are always on-standby, ready for immediate action in the event of an incident.
d) Closed Circuit Television System
All areas of BAFS aviation fuel depot, including office buildings are monitored by an array of closed circuit television cameras situated in strategic locations throughout the facility. The high quality images are stored in digital format for immediate retrieval, and examination should an incident occur.
e) Perimeter Intrusion Detection System
In addition to the advanced CCTV system, BAFS has also installed a fiber-optic based perimeter intrusion detection system to aid in the deterrence, and subsequent apprehension of any intruders into the depot area
3. Into-Plane Service Facility
The ISF is comprised of an office building, maintenance building, underground storage tanks including pumps, fuel loading area, and testing/calibration station for refuelling equipment.
The Into-plane Service Facility (ISF) is the command, control, and communications center in the airport area; its purpose being to regulate refuelling operations at the airport. All aviation refuelling activities are conducted under the supervision of BAFS Flight Control Room also located at the Into-plane Office
4. Hydrant Pipeline Network
The hydrant pipeline network is a high pressure pipeline network running underneath the apron. Jet A-1 from BAFS aviation fuel depot is transferred via the main hydrant into the hydrant pipeline network to each aircraft parking stand.
All of Suvarnabhumi Airports 119 aircraft parking stands are serviced by a hydrant connection point, while only 96 parking stands at the old Don Muang Airport had hydrant functionality.
5. Aircraft Refuelling Vehicles
The last link in the aviation refuelling chain is the aviation refuelling vehicle, of which there are 2 types. The most widely used, and this is especially true in modern airports is the hydrant dispenser truck, while the other is the refueller tanker truck. Both are able to provide around the clock aviation refuelling service. Through strict quality control BAFS is able to ensure that the aviation fuel is “Clear and Bright” in accordance with accepted international standards. BAFS’ advanced, efficient and safe aviation refuelling services is certified by ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management System issued by Bureau Veritas Quality International (BVQI).
BAFS has implemented a computerized refuelling management system to increase the efficiency and ensure high quality of service. The system is divided into the following components:
a) Office System
The Office System at the Into-plane Service Facility is responsible for gathering information, managing service orders for aircraft refuelling vehicles, as well as personnel and equipment to meet the demands of the various airlines at the airport.
b) Vehicle Information System
Each aircraft refueling vehicles has an on-board computer system which gathers information about the vehicle’s activities, and relays back to the Office System. The on-board computer system also receives updated data regarding aircraft movement, fuel load requirements, and other relevant information from the Office System via wireless communication network, or USB flash drive.
BAFS Locations
The Suvarnabhumi Service Station started comprehensive aircraft refueling service for airlines at Suvarnabhumi airport on September 28, 2006. Because Suvarnabhumi is one of the biggest airports in Asia and because the Thai government has a policy to make it the center of air transport for Southeast Asia, the company developed the Hydrant Pipeline Network to another level by applying aircraft refueling innovations, boosting the efficiency of the refueling service.
Suvarnabhumi service station comprises 5 key components:
Suvarnabhumi Depot
Suvarnabhumi Depot encompasses 63 rai of area on the eastern part of Suvarnabhumi airport. It is crossed in the middle by the Nong-gnuhao canal. An office building, an operations building, and 5 tanks of Jet A-1 fuel with total capacity of 75 million liters are situated within the depot. The automated fuel receiving-dispensing system comprise 10 sets of Variable Speed Drive Hydrant Pumps, which uses the inverter technology to allow for Suvarnabhumi airport’s aircraft fuel demands and to save energy. Also situated within the depot are fire-fighting facilities, a closed-circuit television system, and a perimeter intrusion detection system. In addition to these, the company has also installed a fiber-optic perimeter intrusion system capable of indicating the point of intrusion so that security personnel may move in to deal with intruders in a timely manner.
Jet A-1 Supply Pipelines
The Suvarnabhumi Depot was designed to be able to take in Jet A-1 fuel from 2 channels including the Bangchak refinery in Chongnonsee and various refineries in Mabtaput-Si Racha. This was done to ensure that there will be enough aircraft fuel for Suvarnabhumi airport’s demand. The oil is sent to Suvarnabhumi airport through pipes designed specifically for Jet A-1 fuel.
Into-Plane Service Substation
The Into-Plane Service Substation acts as a control center, and manages aircraft refueling work within Suvarnabhumi airport. All types of aircraft refueling are managed through the control center for aircraft refueling services. The Into-Plane Service Substation comprise the into-plane service office building, the refueling vehicles maintenance building, underground fuel storage tanks equipped with dispenser pumps, fuel dispensing spots for refueller vehicles and the Test & Calibration Station.
Hydrant Pipeline Network
The Hydrant Pipeline Network is a network of high-pressure fuel pipelines buried underground and spreading throughout the aircraft parking area at Suvarnabhumi airport. Jet A-1 fuel from the depot is channeled through hydrant pumps into the hydrant pipelines and then to each of the 119 parking pits. The network is operated by Thai Aviation Refueling Co. Ltd., which was granted concession from Airports of Thailand Plc.
Aircraft Refueling Vehicles
The last step for bringing jet fuel to aircrafts involve aircraft refueling vehicles, which are classified into two types comprising the Dispensers and the Refuellers. The two types of service vehicles are able to provide aircraft refueling service for every airline around the clock. Determined to foster efficient service, the company brought into use the Aviation Fuel Management System so that efficiency and precision are maximized. The system composes of:
a) Office System
The Office System installed in the Into-Plane Service Substation has the duty of preparing information for and regulating the services of both types of aircraft refueling vehicles, in addition to managing manpower and equipment resources to accommodate each airline’s fuel demand.
b) Vehicle Information System
The Vehicle Information System can take in service information either via USB Flash Drives or via Wireless Communication. The service personnel need only indicate the flight information, aircraft registration and parking pit before providing the refueling service. Upon completion of service the computer inside the vehicle records all information of the refuel and automatically prints out a delivery receipt.
The Don Mueang Service Substation officially opened in October 1986 in accordance with the Cabinet resolution in 1983 for the management of aircraft fuel and aircraft refuelling service at Bangkok International Airport, which is now called Don Mueang International Airport (DMK).
The Don Mueang Service Substation is the sole provider of aircraft refuelling service at the airport. When it expanded service provision to Suvarnabhumi Airport on September 28, 2006, Don Mueang Airport became an airport that only services aircrafts without fixed flight schedules such as private airplanes, chartered aircrafts, state aircrafts and pilot schools’ aircrafts. Due to the Cabinet’s decision on February 16, 2007 for domestic carriers with fixed schedules to commence point-to-point flights at Don Mueang International Airport, the Don Mueang Service Substation has been servicing an average of 85 additional flights per day since March 25, 2007.
The Don Mueang Depot
is situated on the west of Vibhavadi-Rangsit Road. It encompasses the company’s head office and the offices of companies under BAFS. The depot receives and stores Jet A-1 fuel sent from oil trading companies to service client airlines. The depot can hold approximately 19 million liters of aircraft fuel. It has an automated fuel receiving-dispensing system made up of 4 sets of Hydrants Pumps and automatic oil amount gauge for the tanks (Tank Gauging). The security system comprises of the fire extinguishing system, the closed-circuit television cameras system (CCTV System) and the perimeter intrusion detection system (Infrared Sensor Beam).
The Hydrant Pipeline Network
functions in dispensing aircraft fuel from the depot through a 20-inch diameter pipeline under Vibhavadi-Rangsit Road which enters the airport and disperses to cover aircraft parking pits.
The Hydrant Pipeline Network
facilitates dispensing of Jet A-1 fuel into aircrafts by means of Dispenser vehicles, the Hydrant system and the Refueller vehicles, the latter which are equipped with large oil tanks and are used to service aircrafts outside the Hydrant system
Samui Service Station commenced operation on November 1, 1999. It is situated on about 3 rai of area in the western part of Samui Airport on Samui Island, Surat Thani Province. Its depot can hold about 1 million liters of fuel and it only provides aircraft refuelling service via refueller vehicles with standard security system and closed-circuit television cameras system (CCTV System)
Samui Island experiences continuous increases in tourist numbers and the airport is considered one with growth potential.
The Sukhothai Service Station opened for service on March 22, 2000. It is situated on about 0.5 rai of land in the northern part of Sukhothai Airport. It has a depot capable of storing 25,000 liters of fuel, and provides refuelling service via refueller vehicles.
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เลขที่ 99 หมู่ที่ 3 ตำบลท่าโสม อำเภอเขาสมิง จังหวัดตราดสถานีบริการตราดมีพื้นที่โดยประมาณ 20 ตารางวาโดยให้บริการเติมน้ำมันอากาศยานที่ยวบินภายในประเทศ 2 เที่ยวบินต่อวัน ให้บริการด้วยรถ Refueller มีระบบคลังน้ำมันเก็บสำรอง 25,000 ลิตร
Bangkok Aviation Fuel Services or BAFS is sole aircraft fuelling company at Bangkok International Airport, Thailand. Main product services is JET A-1
Remark : Users are in no particular order
Bangkok Aviation Fuel Services Public Company Limited or BAFS is sole aircraft fuelling company at Bangkok International Airport, Thailand. Main product serviced is JET A-1.
Tap highlighted areas to explore key features
Storage Tanks
There are 5 main, fixed cone-roof type, storage tanks with a total capacity of about 75 million liters. They are fully epoxy coated and equipped with free vent and floating suctions. Inlet and outlet valves are motorized valves which can be controlled from the control room.
Hydrant Pumps
One jockey and 11 main hydrant pumps are used to supply the hydrant fuelling system. The jockey pump, or starting pump, has a pumping capacity of 10 m3/hr. Each main hydrant pump has a pumping capacity of 454 m3/hr, thus, enabling total delivery flow rate about 5,000 m3/hr.
In order to increase its accuracy and work efficiency, BAFS has implemented an automatic receiving and delivering system to be Distributed Control System (DCS). This system controls and open/ close valve to receive and delivery fuel from the control room; there is central operator supervisory control which is reduces multi-system complexities.
Besides, Automatic Tank Gauging has been installed not only to increase accuracy but also to link data to the DCS system, that simultaneously reads the fuel level and temperature.
Refuellers are large fuelling vehicles with an integral tank and pump. They are developed where hydrant fuelling system is not available. Their tank capacities vary. The common size is 65,000 liters. "ARMS System" has been installed in all refullers with the aim of improving refueling services with accuracy, speed and safety. Most of the refuellers can supply up to 3,200 liters per minute. They control pressure at aircraft adapters to acceptable limit and filter JET A-1 for the last time before it enters aircraft tanks.
Hydrant Fuelling System
Hydrant Fuelling system managed by Thai aviation refueling company limited (TARCO). Receives Jet A-1 fuel from the depot is then channeled through 8 hydrant pumps into the hydrant pipelines network which buried underground and spreading throughout the aircraft parking area and then to each of the 119 parking pits. The final step of the Jet A-1 fuel delivery from the hydrant pit to the aircrafts requires hydrant dispensers.
Currently BAFS has 40 high-flow dispensers, each of them has "ARMS System" installed with the aim of improving refueling services with accuracy, speed and safety. They are used for transferring JET A-1 from high-pressure hydrant fuelling system into aircraft's tanks. Each of them has maximum flow rate of 3,800 liters/minute. They reduce and control pressure from the hydrant to acceptable limit and filter JET A-1 one last time before it enters aircraft's tanks.
In line with our commitment to providing the best service possible, "ARMS System" has been installed on to all dispensers and refuellers in order to facilitate our refueling system and to serve aircrafts the accurate and efficient service, the system consists of:
- An administrative system, responsible for providing data and controlling orders for daily service.
- An ARMS system, information is received through a "card" or by radio transmission. The Operator simply verifies the flight details, aircraft registration number, location and then provides the fuelling service. Then refueling is completed, the ARMS system issues an automatic delivery receipt (D/R)
JET A-1 is a kerosine type fuel used for aircraft with gas turbine engines, more commonly known as jet engines. Although similar to kerosine, it is clear and bright and visually free from solid matter and undissolved water at ambient fuel Temperature. Normally fuel color ranges from water white (colorless) to a straw/pale yellow.
JET A-1 is transported to BAFS’ depot via dedicated and integrated pipelines that are connected through the Fuel Pipline Transportation Limited (FPT) and the Thai Petroleum Pipeline Company Limited (THAPPLINE). Only certified JET A-1 is received. Before being stored in storage tanks JET A-1 is passed through pre filters and filter water separators to remove particulate matter and separate water. Then, JET A-1 is allowed to settle in storage tanks for at least 24 hours before being released for delivery.
JET A-1 is pumped through filter water separators by hydrant pumps into underground hydrant fuelling system installed under the aircraft parking area. Where the hydrant fuelling system is available dispensers are used to deliver JET A-1 into aircraft fuel tanks. Where the hydrant fuelling system is not available refuellers are used instead.
Besides, all dispensers and refuellers are installed with the On-Track Computer System in order to standardize the service with a focus on high technology, accuracy, speed and safety
Top-Ten Airlines
Top-Ten BAFS's Customers at Suvarnabhumi Airport are listed bases on the total amount of uplift volume. From January 1, to December 31, 2024
Remark : Airlines are in no particular order
Volume of Fuel Service
Total uplifts volume of Suvarnabhumi Airport and Donmueng Airport January - December 2024
Total Volume Uplifts
Jan - Dec 2024
Total Growth Rate
Jan - Dec 2024
Month | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | |||
Volume Uplifts (million litres) | Growth Rate (%) | Volume Uplifts (million litres) | Growth Rate (%) | Volume Uplifts (million litres) | Growth Rate (%) | |
January | 190.6 | +58.04% | 370.5 | +94.41% | 421.3 | +13.68% |
February | 165.9 | +37.79% | 332.6 | +100.51% | 407.9 | +22.63% |
March | 210.0 | +24.26% | 366.0 | +74.27% | 423.5 | +15.72% |
April | 209.2 | +33.76% | 354.9 | +69.65% | 414.2 | +16.69% |
May | 220.3 | +77.38% | 351.4 | +59.53% | 404.0 | +14.97% |
June | 221.0 | +85.40% | 336.3 | +52.18% | 378.5 | +12.55% |
July | 257.0 | +119.10% | 355.7 | +38.41% | 414.5 | +16.52% |
August | 272.9 | +164.69% | 353.4 | +29.51% | 417.5 | +18.12% |
September | 263.4 | +123.60% | 332.3 | +26.18% | 384.9 | +15.80% |
October | 294.0 | +108.51% | 362.1 | +23.16% | 427.8 | +18.16% |
November | 323.6 | +104.94% | 372.7 | +15.17% | 456.4 | +22.45% |
December | 362.1 | +89.28% | 411.4 | +13.60% | 496.6 | +20.73% |
Remark : The Total uplifts volume of Suvarnabhumi Airport and Donmueang Airport in December 2024 was 496.6 million litres : Suvarnabhumi Airport was 396.0 million litres and Donmueang Airport was 100.6 million litres.
No. of Flights Serviced
Month | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | |||
No. of Flights | Growth Rate (%) | No. of Flights | Growth Rate (%) | No. of Flights | Growth Rate (%) | |
January | 10,910 | +53.19% | 20,443 | +87.38% | 22,945 | +12.24% |
February | 9,606 | +49.91% | 18,616 | +93.80% | 22,064 | +18.52% |
March | 11,477 | +7.99% | 20,682 | +93.80% | 23,367 | +12.98% |
April | 12,664 | +24.32% | 20,270 | +60.06% | 22,978 | +13.36% |
May | 13,061 | +174.33% | 20,065 | +53.63% | 22,936 | +14.31% |
June | 13,054 | +160.04% | 19,383 | +48.48% | 21,364 | +10.22% |
July | 14,832 | +244.21% | 20,453 | +37.90% | 23,493 | +14.86% |
August | 15,666 | +401.47% | 20,657 | +31.86% | 23,504 | +13.78% |
September | 15,326 | +220.90% | 19,398 | +26.57% | 21,333 | +9.98% |
October | 17,312 | +147.81% | 21,008 | +21.35% | 23,891 | +13.72% |
November | 18,394 | +109.74% | 20,544 | +11.69% | 24,092 | +17.27% |
December | 20,092 | +82.12% | 22,870 | +13.83% | 26,412 | +15.49% |
Remark : Total Flight of BAFS services at Suvarnabhumi Airport and Donmueang Airport in December 2024 is 26,412 flights which 16,504 flights is the figure of Suvarnabhumi Airpor and 9,908 flights is the figure of Donmueang Airport.
Aviation fuel service through pipeline at Suvarnabhumi Airport and Design and assembly aviation refuelling vehicle and aviation ground service equipment
Thai Aviation Refuelling Co.,Ltd. (TARCO)
Operates the business of providing jet fuel delivery system through the high-pressure pipeline (Hydrant) at Suvarnabhumi Airport.
TARCO commenced construction on April 12, 2001 and commenced service on September 28, 2006 along with the opening of the service. Official of Suvarnabhumi Airport
To carry on the business of designing, manufacturing and assembling aircraft refueling vehicles, both diesel and electric vehicles (e-Dispenser), including equipment related to aircraft refueling systems.
as well as providing maintenance services and improvement of various vehicles (Refurbish), such as aircraft service vehicles Airport Oil Pit Cleaning Service Low Point Drain Car
Learn MoreGlobal Aero Associates Co., Ltd. (GAA)
Founded on July 15, 2021, the objective is to engage in the business of designing, constructing, installing, operating, managing and servicing aviation fuel service systems and related businesses.
It has a shareholding ratio between two major shareholders, BAFS holding 55% and PTT Oil and Retail Business Public Company Limited (PttOR) holding 45%, which is one of the projects in the Special Development Zone. Eastern (EEC)