Amend Nominating Regulation,Accept Petronas as new user
No. MD.153/2005
December 15, 2005
Re: Report of the Resolutions of the Board of Directors Meeting
To: President
The Stock Exchange of Thailand
Bangkok Aviation Fuel Services Public Company Limited held the Board of
Directors Meeting No. 5/2005 on 15 December 2005, starting from 10:00 hrs.
and the meeting passed the following material resolutions:
1.Amend "The Regulations for the Appointment and Operation of Nominating
Committee" of the Company so that the Nominating Committee has duty to
nominate all directors.
2.Accepted Petroliam Nasional Berhad (Petronas) to be the new user when
Suvarnabhumi Airport commences its operation.
Please be informed accordingly.
Respectfully yours,
(M.R. Supadis Diskul)
Managing Director